Clearing Up Misconceptions Regarding Freight Factoring
Freight Factoring is a financing option available nowadays to handle a business' outstanding invoices and generate instant cash flow. It is a great alternative in times when funds are needed and payments are stuck in business. Freight Factoring helps trucking businesses involved in product and goods selling experience to get the required cash flow in the works. It involves selling unpaid invoices to a freight factoring company, which then pays a percentage of the invoice value upfront. Despite its advantages, freight factoring is often misunderstood in terms of many factors.
Below are some of the misconceptions followed by a lot of people:
- Freight Factoring companies are Debt collectorsMany people believe that freight factoring companies are some sort of debt collectors. This is not at all true. In fact, factoring companies provide you with the cash flow that you lack during the real pay time by the client. Usually, the truckers don't get paid at the time of transporting the goods and products. These companies don't have any intention of collection of debt.
- Freight Factoring is expensiveThere is nothing that gets to be cut, as the factoring service is quite affordable. The Freight factoring costs can be similar to that of normal bank loan rates, but don’t cut out your payment majorly. The companies provide cash flow in lieu of invoices to reel the economy so that the process doesn't remain stuck.
- Freight factoring is only for the struggling businessesUsually, majority of the businesses find themselves in an up-and-down wave but that doesn't mean only the downtime of businesses want cashflow right then and there. If the transporter has unrush energy-paying brokers or customers, then, they may have to wait up to two months which is almost 60 days to get paid for their work. The transporters need cash to pay their expenses such as payroll, fuel, repairs, insurance, and more. That’s where freight factoring comes in for all kinds of businesses.
The invoices when get paid at time, as per human nature, it does help every carrier and hence hiring a freight factoring company is useful.